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    STMCS: Third Workshop on Software Tools for MultiCore Systems

                            April 6, 2008
                              Boston, MA

   in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code
                  Generation and Optimization (CGO).

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the impact
of the multicore architecture paradigm on the software stack with
emphasis on new workloads, programming models, compilers, runtime
systems, and tools for performance and functional debugging. The
workshop will also discuss the impact of multicores on teaching and

Topics of interest
The workshop provides a venue to bring together researchers and
practitioners working on enabling technology for multicore
systems. Original research contributions or position statements are
solicited in areas including but not limited to the following:

    * Applications and workloads for multicores
    * Programming models for implicit and explicit parallelism
    * Assisted parallelization
    * Relationship to other parallel computing domains (embedded and HPC)
    * O/S and runtime systems for multicores
    * Multicore virtualization
    * Managing heterogeneity in multicores
    * Performance tuning of parallel workloads
    * Debugging parallel software
Important Dates
    * Submission:     February 15, 2008 (Friday), 5:00PM Eastern
    * Acceptance:     March  3, 2008
    * Final version:  March 17, 2008

Submission guidelines
To encourage submissions that can foster a good forum for discussion,
we are allowing the following submission formats:

    * Idea paper: describes forward looking ideas with new insights
      that depart from mainstream research related to multicores. Idea
      papers offer novelty rather than technical completeness.

    * Position paper: explains and justifies a certain point of view
      (e.g., multicores will fail, new languages are or are not
      needed, only a few software companies will survive, etc.)

    * Technical paper: describes ongoing research methodologies with
      preliminary results and insights.

Submissions should adhere to the ACM format. Idea and position paper
submissions should not exceed 2 pages. Technical paper submissions
should not exceed 6 pages.

Please send submissions by the deadline to wstmcs@gmail.com. Include a
complete list of authors, their affiliations and contact information
(e.g., address, telephone number, and email address), and please
identify the corresponding author with your submission.

Program committee
    * Rodric Rabbah (chair), IBM Research

    * John Mellor-Crummey, Rice
    * Mattan Erez, UT Austin
    * Mary Hall, USC/ISI
    * Edward Lee, UC Berkeley
    * Timothy Mattson, Intel
    * Lakshmi Renganarayana, IBM Research
    * Peter Sweeney, IBM Research
    * William Thies, MIT

Past chair
    * Mary Hall, USC/ISI

Past workshops
    * STMCS-2007: http://www.isi.edu/~mhall/stmcs07/
    * STMCS-2006: http://www.isi.edu/~mhall/stmcs06/


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