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Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2009) provides a forum to scientist/researchers/engineers/practitioners and academician to share their ideas, experiences and researches in the field of software engineering process and applications. SEPA 2009 covers all the frontier issues and trends in the modern software development processes. It includes process models, agile development, software engineering practices, requirements, system and design engineering including architectural design, software modeling, testing strategies and tactics, process and product metrics for each phase of software development, component based software engineering, software quality, verification and validation techniques and software project management. SEPA invites you to submit your work that describes original and significant contribution in all above mentioned area of software engineering processes. The paper submitted to SEPA’2009 must not be submitted elsewhere either in conference or journal and should be 12-16 pages (LNCS style). Papers selected after peer review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented orally at the conference.


All contributions will be peer reviewed and will be judged on their quality and relevance. The accepted papers for SEPA 2009 will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science as a book series of Computational Science and Its Applications: ICCSA 2009. Please note that one of the author’s of the accepted paper should present the paper in conference. The extended version of accepted paper will also be invited for the publication in International Journal of Computer Science and Software technology (IJCSST).

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