SETN 2010

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Athens, Greece

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Scope and Aims

The Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence is organised biennially by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN). It has already been established as one of the most prominent forums for Greek and International AI scientists to present original and high-quality research on emergent topics of Artificial Intelligence.

SETN 2010 highly encourages international participation and the language of the conference is English.

The 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2010) will be held in Athens, Greece, 5-7 May 2010. SETN-2010 is organised by EETN, the Hellenic AI Society, in collaboration with the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications at NCSR "Demokritos".

The conference aims:

  • to bring together researchers who work actively on the field of Artificial Intelligence, to support the exchange of opinions and the formation of new research groups and collaborations,
  • to disseminate original and highly-qualitative results of the Greek AI community and Greek research labs, fostering international collaborations,
  • to inform undergraduate and postgraduate students about the current state of affairs of AI research as conducted by scientists in Greece and worldwide,
  • to promote research results to companies and facilitate the development of innovative products.


The conference invites high quality, unpublished submissions on any area of Artificial Intelligence. Indicative areas of interest include:

  • Adaptive Systems
  • AI and Creativity
  • AI Architectures
  • Artificial Life
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Hybrid Intelligent Systems & Methods
  • Intelligent Agents, Multi-agent Systems
  • Intelligent Distributed Systems
  • Intelligent Information Retrieval
  • Intelligent/Natural Interactivity, Intelligent Virtual Environments
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Logic Programming
  • Knowledge-Based Systems
  • Machine Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Problem Solving, Constraint Satisfaction
  • Robotics, Machine Vision, Machine Sensing

We are also interested in innovative applications of AI, especially in the field of Cultural Heritage preservation, curation, and presentation. Indicative application areas include:

  • Cultural Heritage preservation, curation, and presentation
  • Autonomous Tour Guide Agents, both robotic and virtual
  • Entertainment, Computer Games, Storytelling
  • Semantic Web
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems


All accepted papers be included in the conference proceedings and will also be presented as a poster or an oral presentation.

Authors will be asked upon submission to state their preferred mode of presentation, which the program committee will attempt to fulfill to the maximum extend that organizational factors permit. Besides being presented at the poster session, poster presentations will also be given a slot for short oral presentations aimed at attracting people to the poster session.

The choice between poster and oral presenation does not reflect paper quality, but rather how the work presented can be better explained. Papers presented as posters are also long papers in the proceedings. The proceeding will make no reference to, or distinguish papers in any other way, by the mode of presentation.

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) series and must be prepared according to the "Instructions for Authors" to LNAI/LNCS Proceedings.

For more information see:

Papers must not exceed 10 pages in this format.

For each accepted paper, at least one author will be required to register by the camera-ready submission date. Authors are expected to present the paper at the conference in order to be included in the proceedings.

Papers must be in English and present original, previously unpublished work. Papers can be submitted only electronically, through the ConfMaster service at

The submission should be made by contact authors, either by creating a ConfMaster account or by loging in to existing accounts from previous conferences. At the paper registration page, a "track" and secondary keywords must be selected, which will help assign appropriate reviewers to the paper and also organize accepted papers in thematically relevant conference sessions.

Submissions will be subject to single-blind review, and author information should be included in the submitted paper.

Important Dates

Paper Submission 18 December 2009 Author Notification 5 February 2010 Camera Ready Copy 23 February 2010 Conference 5-7 May 2010


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