SPAWC 2008

From ConfIDent

Recife, Brazil

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The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, is devoted to recent advances in signal processing for wireless and mobile communications, as well as for communications in general.

This workshop brings together members of the signal processing, communications and information theory communities working in universities, research centers and telecommunications companies. The meeting will feature keynote addresses by leading researchers, as well as invited and contributed papers. SPAWC 2008 will be held at the Mar Hotel, Recife, Brazil, July 06-09, 2008.

Plenary Speakers:

- Prof. Anna Scaglione
Cornell University

- Prof. Daniel Palomar
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

- Prof. Robert W. Heath Jr.
The University of Texas at Austin

- Prof. David Tse
University of California at Berkely

- Prof. Björn Ottersten
KTH School of Electrical Engineering.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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